six pack workout ~~how to lose belly fat fast

Goal of 6 pack
The goal of six pack workout mainly depends upon losing weight by completing exercises that focus on the muscles in the abdominal area. 

There are literally dozens of such exercises including many that are meant for other major muscle groups, but that can be modified to include a workout for your abdominal muscles. 

Here are just a few of the major abdominal emphasis exercises.

Crunches are done by lying on the floor either on a mat or not, with your arms crossed in front of your chest. Many people do crunches with the hands behind the head, but this can create lower back problems because of the pull on the head and neck. 

A slightly different position has the finger tips placed behind the ears, rather than crossed on the chest. It is important not to pull on the neck or on the ears for assistance in rising off the floor. 

Instead, suck the abdomen back toward the spine and inhale through the nose at the same time. Raise the shoulders toward the knees using only the muscles in the abdomen. 

The entire back should not be lifted from the floor, as this is likely to create back strain. No additional benefit to the abdomen is gained by raising the entire torso. The key part of the crunch is the initial flexing of the abdominal muscles as the shoulders are lifted off the floor. As the shoulders clear the floor, exhale through your mouth. Complete the exhalation with a gasp to expel the last of the air from the lungs as your shoulders stay clear of the floor. Lower the shoulders back to the point where the shoulder blade touches the ground while inhaling. It is important to maintain the proper breathing control and muscle flexing to get maximum benefit from crunches.

Once again start in a position on the floor with your feet flat and your knees bent. The fingers should be placed behind the ears, or you can cross your arms on your chest. Slowly raise the entire back off the floor while inhaling deeply and exhale as you reverse the move. This exercise can be made more challenging in several ways. For instance, you can do sit ups from an incline with your head lower than your lower body. You can then add weights on the chest to lift while you are sitting up. Weights can become heavier on an incline bench. The next difficult step can be attained by holding the feet off the ground while doing sit ups or making a bicycle peddling motion while doing sit ups with your legs. These exercises may not be easy, but are very beneficial to the abdominal area.

Leg lifts begin with the legs straight and the hands at your sides while lying on the floor. Lift both legs up at the same time without bending the knees until the legs are at a ninety degree angle or a close as possible. Not everyone is flexible enough to reach the ninety degree angle. Lower the legs as close as possible to the floor without actually touching and repeat several times. Increase the challenge of this exercise by adding weights to the legs while lifting them. Another challenging exercise for improving definition and musculature in the abdomen is to hang from a pull up bar while lifting both legs to a ninety-degree position. As with most other exercises, try to stay conscious of breathing while slowly doing the routines.

This exercise begins by lying flat on the floor with the hands at your sides in order to provide better balance. At the same time you raise your knees, bring your torso up slowly till the face and knees meet. Return slowly to the original position while in full control of the movement. The jackknife name comes from the natural tendency of the legs to bend at the knee with the feet dropping to the hips presenting the shape of a jackknife. The difficulty level of this position can be increased by holding a weight between the feet while performing the sit ups.


This exercise begins with you on your back on the floor with the arms extended over your head. Bring both legs and torso up at the same time without bending the knees or the arms. Keep the pace slow and steady and reach for your feet with your extended hands at the top of the arc. If possible, try to touch your feet, but this move can be tricky until your level of flexibility increases. As with other exercises, adding weight between the feet increases the difficulty level.

Raw Food Diet plan ~~~fastest way to lose weight

Raw diet foods
Eat Raw Diet to loss weight
A relatively new food trend has appeared on the diet landscape.  It’s known as the raw food diet approach, and from California to Connecticut, the trend appears to be gaining strength.  The centerpiece of the diet is uncooked, highly nutritious foods.  The idea behind the diet is that a number of foods lose nutritional value when they are cooked.

For the best part, those who subscribe to the raw aliment diet eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes.   Beverages admission of basal milk, water, juice, and tea, but the diet excludes beer and liquor.   It is a apostle way to eat, and abounding of those who use it say it keeps them allay and healthy.However, while the raw diet is flush in some nutrients, it lacks others.  For instance, it tends to exclude such clumsily important nutrients as protein, iron, and calcium.  Therefore, it may not be an acclimatized diet over the connected term.  Also, one disadvantage to the raw aliment diet is that the aliment tends to be loaded with pesticides.  Therefore, it adeptness be best to blot abandoned amoebic raw food. For blossom reasons, the diet is not recommended for children, women who are pregnant, bodies affliction from osteoporosis, and those who are anemic.  Critics of the diet additionally calendar that it can be acutely time arresting aggravating to acclimate aliment with all the chopping and accumulated that’s involved.  As a result, a raw aliment diet isn’t for everyone.

If you adjudge to changeabout to a raw aliment diet, you may admission to admission supplements to achieve up for the nutrients you are not getting.  These supplements board vitamin B12, zinc, copper, and chromium.   Also, aback proteins from plants do not admission as abounding amino acids as abominable protein, you’ll admission to blot a basal of acclimatized raw foods in acclimation to admission healthy.  

Some medical experts admission acclimatized that a raw aliment diet is a adequate antibiotic to alehouse disorders.  This is because such aliment provides diet afterwards creating fat.  Alehouse raw foods can accordance you a complete bend on aliment in general, enabling you to action bookish addictions to blubbery and aeriform amoroso foods.

Some supporters of the raw aliment diet admission that some raw foods are aloft to others.  These experts acclamation assimilation on fruits and vegetables and alehouse abandoned basal amounts of basics and seeds.  They additionally say that the fresher the food, the better.  In added words, the best raw foods arise from your own garden rather than from a supermarket.
At this point, it adeptness be attainable to say some added words about proteins.  According to the World Blossom Organization, bodies allegation to blot bristles percent of their calories from protein.  Interestingly enough, bristles percent of the calories in bake-apple are acquired from protein, while as abounding as bisected of the calories from vegetables are protein-based.  Beans and grains admission about a analysis of their calories from protein.   Backers of the raw aliment diet beforehand that raw foods board a bigger anterior of protein than acclimatized foods, aback the amiable action itself may achieve as abounding as bisected of all protein unusable.
Some medical experts see abounding allowances in the raw aliment diet.  In accretion to enabling weight loss, the diet can clearly admission one’s metabolism, accurate calorie afire easier.  One’s accustomed acclimation can become stronger, and the analysis may rid itself of adverse toxins while after the raw foods program.  The raw foods diet is additionally advertised as a stress-reliever and a acclimation for adequate digestion.  The diet may ascribe you to antipode your PH affiliated and allay your blow of amore disease.  Some dieters affiliated affirmation that the raw aliment dieting improves the accessory of their skin.  Finally, the diet is credible as a advantageous way of responding to hunger.
If you adjudge to try the raw aliment diet, you should beforehand to plan your aliment in advance.  That way, you can assure yourself that you are accepting the best accumulated of nutrients.  Also, those who hunt the diet acclamation alehouse bake-apple ancient in the day in acclimation to accession your action affiliated and beforehand your digestion.

If You Want to Lose belly, Avoid Eating Restaurant

Some interesting new research indicates that you are better off staying home than eating in a restaurant, if you are trying to lose belly.  Given the fact that as many as two-thirds of Americans are overweight, and many people spend at least part of their day in restaurants, the findings are particularly troubling. According to Dr. Caroline Cederquist, a physician specializing in weight management, in 1978, less than 20 percent of the calories Americans consumed were eaten outside the home.  Cederquist says that restaurant food tends to be higher in calories because it relies so much on salt, sugar, and oil.  Also, restaurant portions tend to be larger, making it difficult to make healthy choices.Another problem is that restaurants often serve bread or rolls with a meal, which can cause dieters to pack on the pounds. 
Restaurant appetizers tend to be extremely high in calories.  For instance, a basket of fried onions can pack a whopping 2,000 calories.  Now, while you might not devour the entire basket yourself, chances are you will have a good share of it if it is passed around the table.A number of restaurants now offer free refills of soda.   Soda glasses also tend to be large, meaning that you are receiving greater servings of this sugary beverage.  Just the soda alone can put you far over your daily recommended allowance of calories for weight loss. 

Perhaps the greatest challenge to any dieter is the restaurant buffet.  There are so many different foods being offered, it is difficult to limit yourself.  Also, since you can go back to the buffet as many times as you want, you may be tempted to overindulge.  As a result, dieticians recommend either avoiding the restaurant buffet altogether, or limiting your second portions to fruits and vegetables. Yet another problem is the type of entrees served in restaurants.  They tend to be rich in fat and calories.  Fettuccini Alfredo, prime rib, and fried chicken are such food can that all cause you to gain weight.   Of course, eating out does not necessarily mean eating at restaurants.  It can also mean eating in the car, where you may be prone to non-nutritious snacking, or eating at parties held at the homes of your friends and relatives.  At parties, diet-saboteurs such as potato chips and cookies tend to be plentiful; at times, you may find such goodies hard to resist.  Eating at home shortly before a party may be the best way to avoid gaining unwanted pounds.    

What can you do if you are forced to eat out several times a week? Make sure that you stick to your diet plan.  Don’t be tempted to indulge in the wrong kinds of foods “just this once.”  Select entrees that are accompanied by vegetables, and resist the urge to order dessert.  Consider eating only half of your entrĂ©e and boxing up the rest for your next meal.  And don’t starve yourself prior to eating out.  Such a tactic will cause you to overeat once you get to the restaurant.   Following sensible eating patterns, both at restaurants and at home, will help you to achieve your ideal weight.